4 Factors to Consider When Naming and Branding Your Business
by Barbara Jones | January 31, 2018
- The “Rolls Off The Tongue” Factor
There’s a fine line between a catchy-sounding alliterative name and a tongue-twisting nightmare. Avoid names with too many syllables and too few vowels. And seriously think long and hard before taking two words, squashing them together, and creating your own name! You want a name that your customers can remember AND pronounce.
- The “Is It Appropriate?” Factor
Make sure your business’ name and brand appropriately fits the nature of your business. For example, using the number 4 in place of the word “for” can be cute for a day care center, but not exactly for a legal services provider.
- The “It’s Mine, ALL Mine” Factor
Choosing your URL and owning it is ever so important. You may find that once you finally pick the perfect name for your business, the URL with that same name has already been spoken for. And that can lead you back to square one. But it doesn’t have to. If your heart is already set on a name that works for you, you can still choose a URL with an abbreviated form of your business name. For example, our company’s name is Creative Intelligence Agency. We call ourselves CIA. So we went with the URL, ciastudio.com since it contains our company name AND one of the services we provide.
- The “Picture It” Factor
Just as expectant parents sit around and picture what their unborn child will look like as he/she takes their first steps or walks down the aisle, new business owners should picture how their company’s name would look on collateral materials, signage, business cards, and the like. Besides being the smart thing to do, it’s fun.